TransPost Help

Transfer Money Fields

The Transfer Money import type imports Transfer Money transactions. The fields correspond to fields on the AccountRight Receive Money form.

Transfer Money transactions can only be imported using TransPost Plus and TransPost Premier.

The grey fields are only shown when the All fields radio button is selected. They are all optional and less often used.

Receipt details
Transaction number used to identify the Transfer. If omitted MYOB will generate one.
Transfer date. If omitted defaults to the current date.

This will be interpreted based on your regional date format, i.e. in Australia, NZ something like d/m/yy or dd-mm-yyyy or similar. Time if present will be ignored. Texts Yesterday or Today or Tomorrow will be interpreted appropriately which can be handy as a default.

Single character code indicating what action is to be applied. The only action code applicable to Transfer Money transactions is D to delete.

When deleting, the TransferNumber (Transaction ID or Transfer No.) and/or TransferDate are required to uniquely identify the Transfer to delete. other details are ignored.

Transfer Money from account code for the account in MYOB from which the money is to be transferred.
Transfer Money to account code for the account in MYOB to which the money is to be transferred.
Amount to be transferred.
Memo. defaults to "Money Transfer"
If this is set to Y the Amount is treated as positive even if negative.
Category is optional. Categories not already on the AccountRight Categories List will be ignored, with a warning, as MYOB's API does not permit adding to the category list on the fly.