TransPost Help
Product/Item Fields
There are a large number of possible fields to describe an Item. Many of them are optional and not required in most cases. A few key fields are important because they are necessary to reference an Item in either a Sale or a Purchase.
There are groups of fields dealing with:
- Selling Details
- Buying Details
- Inventory Details
- Further Details
- Price levels (TransPost Plus and Premier only)
The grey fields are only shown when the All fields radio button is selected. They are all optional and not commonly used.
- ItemNumber
- This is mandatory as it identifies the item. It can be any string up to 30 characters, not necessarily a number.
- Action
- Single character code indicating what action is to be applied.
If no action is specified then it is assumed that a new item is to be imported unless the Update data in existing records is checked.
in which case if ItemNumber identifies an existing item and changes any of its details it will be updated.
- D - Delete
- Deletes the Item identified as long as it has not yet been referenced in any transaction.
- U - Update
- Updates the Item identified. it will update even when the Update data in existing records is not checked.
- NewItemNumber
- Use this to change an item's ItemNumber. Map the old number to ItemNumber
- ItemName
- This can be any alphanumeric string up to 30 characters. If not supplied for a new item it will default to "New item"
- Description
- Description up to 255 characters.
- UseDescriptionOnSale
- To use the description on sales and purchases use almost any value (e.g."Y" or "X" or 1). Use "0", "N", "f" or "false" to deselect it when updating as nothing/blank means do not change.
- Selling Details
- This is the data required to enable sale transactions for the item.
- ItemIsSold
- Almost any value (e.g."Y" or "X" or 1) in this field indicates the Item is sold, but is not essential as TransPost assumes that an item is sold if IncomeAccount is supplied. Use "0", "N" or "false" to deselect it when updating as nothing/blank means do not change.
- IncomeAccount
- This is mandatory for items that are sold. It can be supplied with or without a separator. e.g. 4-1100 and 41100 work equally well in TransPost
- SellingPrice
- Base selling price.
- TaxCodeWhenSold
- This is mandatory for items that are sold. A 3 character Tax Code which must exist in the MYOB file (E.g. "GST" or "FRE" (or in NZ "Z").
- SellPriceInclusive
- A value (e.g."Y" or "X" or 1) in this field indicates that the Base Selling Price is Tax/GST inclusive.
- SellUnitMeasure
- Unit of measure, text describing measure e.g. kg, dozen or carton
- ItemsPerSellingUnit
- Number of items per selling unit. e.g. number in a carton if that is the selling unit measure.
- SalesTaxCalcMethod
- How sales tax is calculated if applicable, the default is "Actual Selling Price" but the options are:
- Actual Selling Price - may also be input as ASP or 0
- Base Selling Price - may also be input as BSP or 3
- Level A - may be input as PLA or 4
- Level B - may be input as PLB or 5
and so on to
- Level F - may be input as PLF or 9
The remaining selling details fields correspond to the fields on the Selling Details tab of the item Information form in AccountRight.
Note that the numbers are designed to be consistent with the numbers as used in the old AccountRight ODBC but if the result is exported via the AccountRight Export assistant most of them come out as 2.
- Buying Details
- This is the data required to enable purchase transactions for the item.
- ItemIsBought
- Almost any value (e.g."Y" or "X" or 1) in this field indicates that the Item is bought, but not essential as TransPost assumes thet an item is bought if ExpenseAccount is supplied. Use "0", "N" or "false" to deselect it when updating as nothing/blank means do not change.
- ExpenseAccount
- Expense Account to be used when purchasing this item. e.g. 5-1100 or 51100. Mandatory if the item is to purchased.
- TaxCodeWhenBought
- A Tax Code which must exist in the MYOB file up to 3 characters (E.g. "GST" or "FRE" (or in NZ "Z")
- StandardCost
- The standard purchase price for one buying unit. e.g. cost of a kg if buying unit is kg.
- BuyUnitMeasure
- Unit of measure, text describing measure e.g. kg or cartons
- ItemsPerBuyingUnit
- Number of items per buying unit. e.g. number in a carton if that is the buying unit of measure.
- PrimarySupplier The primary supplier is a supplier card identified using the fields:
- PrimarySupplierCardID
- If supplier cards have CardIDs this is recommended as the reliable way of identifying the correct supplier. If supplied this will be used and other supplier identification fields will be ignored.
- PrimarySupplier
- If a CardID is not available then the primary supplier must be identified by name.
If the data contains both company names and personal last names, in different columns you must use the PrimarySupplierCompanyName and PrimarySupplierLastName fields instead.
- PrimarySupplierCompanyName
- Name of the primary supplier if not an individual. Use this instead of PrimarySupplier if supplier organisation names and personal last names are in different input columns.
- PrimarySupplierLastName
- Last name of the primary supplier if an individual. Use this instead of PrimarySupplier if primary supplier organisation names and personal last names are in different input columns.
- PrimarySupplierFirstName
- If the primary supplier is an individual their first name is also required to identify them.
- ReorderQuantity
- Minimum level for restocking alert.
The remaining buying details fields correspond to the fields on the Buying Details tab of the item Information form in AccountRight.
- Inventory
- ItemIsInventoried
- Almost any value (e.g."Y" or "X" or 1) in this field indicates that the Item is inventoried, but not essential as TransPost assumes that an item is inventoried if AssetAccount is supplied. Use "0", "N" or "false" to deselect it when updating as nothing/blank means do not change.
- AssetAccount
- Asset Account to be used to track value of the item on hand.
- CostOfSalesAccount
- Cost of Sales Account applicable when an inventoried Item is sold.
- MinimumLevel
- Minimum Level for Restocking Alert (See Buying Details of the item Information form in AccountRight.)
- Stock Locations
- Stock locations are only available when using AccountRight Premier. See Locations tab of the item Information form in AccountRight.
- DefaultShipSellLocation
- Default Ship/Sell/Autobuild from Location
- DefaultReceiveAutoBuildLocation
- Default Receive/Auto-Build into Location
- Custom Lists
- These fields correspond to fields on the Item Details tab in the AccountRight Item Information form.
Each list or field may have been assigned another name in AccountRight but you cannot use those names in TransPost.
The value assigned to alist must pre-exist in that Custom List in MYOB.
- CustomList1
- Custom List #1, a List Entry from the first Customer custom list in AccountRight.
- CustomList2
- Custom List #2, a List Entry from the second Customer custom list in AccountRight.
- CustomList3
- Custom List #3, a List Entry from the third Customer custom list in AccountRight.
- CustomField1
- Custom Field #1, which may have been customised to another name.
- CustomField2
- Custom Field #2, which may have been customised to another name.
- CustomField3
- Custom Field #3, which may have been customised to another name.
- InactiveItem
- Inactive item: Default is active initially, use Y to set inactive, and N to update back to active.
- Price Levels and Quantity Breaks
- Only available in TransPost Plus and TransPost Premier
- QuantityBreakn
- Up to 4 quantity breaks, numbered 2 - 5. These fields specify the quantity over which price breaks are reached.
Note that QuantityBreak1 refers to normal prices for single or small quantities so is fixed at 0.0
- Pricelevel?QtyBreakn
- With each of the quantity breaks defined you must supply the price levels A to F which apply to each specified price break.
For example PricelevelCQtyBreak1 specifies the base price for customers on Price Level C and PricelevelBQtyBreak3 sets the price applicable when a customer on Price Level C buys the amount specified in QuantityBreak3.
Note that PricelevelAQtyBreak1 is automatically set to the base selling price and cannot be changed.