TransPost Help

Customer Card Fields

There are a large number of possible fields in a customer card. Most of them are optional and not required in most cases. A few key fields are important because they are necessary to identify the card when importing sales

There are groups of fields dealing with:

The grey fields are only shown when the All fields radio button is selected. They are all optional and not commonly used.

Customer Identification
A customer MUST have a name which can be supplied in a number of ways.

The following fields are useful in identification:

The CardId provides a unique identifier in MYOB. This is optional but if you are importing data from a system which has a unique code for each customer we would recommend importing it as the MYOB CardID as it can then be used to ensure that other data, for example sales, are correctly identified with the right customer. If you use such a code you must ensure that one is also entered for all existing Customer Cards in MYOB.
Customer name, applicable to both business/company names and personal surnames. if those are in different columns in the input use CompanyName and LastName fields instead.
First name of an individual customer. Existence of a first name implies that the customer is personal.
Optional - x or Y to indicate that the card represents an individual, Implicit if a Firstname is supplied.
Customer name, applicable to business/company names but not personal surnames. Use if those are in different columns in the input but if business/company names and personal surnames are in the same data column use CoLastName.
Customer name, applicable to personal surnames but not business/company names. Use if those are in different columns in the input but if business/company names and personal surnames are in the same data column use CoLastName.
Single character code indicating what action is to be applied to. If no action is specified then it is assumed that a new customer is to be imported unless the Update data in existing records is checked. in which case if the cardID and/or name exactly match an existing Customer fields other than the Customer Identification fields will be updated. Note that if name matches but cardID does not that will result in a new record with that CardID
D - Delete
Deletes the customer identified as long as they have not yet been referenced in a sale, job or any other transaction. This is the only action code permitted in TransPost Express.

Note that sales that have had payments applied cannot be deleted without first deleting the payments.

U - Update
Updates the customer identified. it will update even when the Update data in existing records is not checked.
This can be used to change a CardID if the card has been identified using an old cardID or add a cardID to a card that does not have one as long as it is uniquely identified by name.
Inactive card: Default is active initially, use Y to set inactive, and N to update back to active.

Addresses and Contact Details
There can be up to 5 addresses associated with a MYOB card, each with its own phone numbers, email and contact name. Address 1 is also identified as the Bill To address and Address 2 is the default Ship To address.

Address 1:Bill To
Address. This can be a multi-line street section or even the entire address, as long as it is enclosed in quotes ("") as it would be if exported to CSV format from a single multi-line Excel cell.

ALternatively this can just be the first line with subsequent lines imported via Address1StreetLine2 and so on.

Second line of address 1
Third line of address 1
Fourth line of address 1
Suburb/City component of address.
Billing address state.
Billing address postcode.
Phone No 1
Phone No 2
Phone No 3
Fax number.
Email address.
Name of the contact associated with address 1, the billing contact.
Address 2:Ship To
This has fields corresponding to the ones in Address 1 except they are named "Address2..."
Address3, Address4 and Address5
These have fields corresponding to the ones in Address 1 except they are named "Address3..." "Address4..." or "Address5..." as appropriate.

Selling Details
If supplied, defines the default layout for new sales for the customer. This does not affect sales imported via TransPost as they are always of a specific format but it does affect which format appears when you create a sale for the customer in AccountRight itself. Only single or initial letter applies as follows:
  • N - No Default
  • S - Service
  • I - Item
  • M - Miscellanous
  • P - Professional
  • T - Time Billing
Form Name of the appropriate default form to be used for invoices to the Customer
This field indicates the action to be applied to the invoice. You can set a default in TransPost or let it take the MYOB default. If not supplied a warning will be generated. The options are:
  • P - To be Printed
  • E - To be Emailed
  • B - To be Printed and Emailed
  • A - Already Printed or Sent
Only with AccountRight Plus and Premier. Not in TransPost Express.
  • 0 - Base Selling Price
  • 1 - Price Level A
  • 2 - Price Level B
  • 3 - Price Level C
  • 4 - Price Level D
  • 5 - Price Level E
  • 6 - Price Level F
Default income account to be used for non-item sales when no income account is specified for the sale.
Default memo to use when recording payments from this customer.
CardID overrides salesperson name if used
First name of sales person. Use if SalesPersonCardID not input.
Last name of sales person if a personal card. Use if SalesPersonCardID not input.
Default comment will appear on sales to the customer when no comment is specified for the sale.
Default shipping method for items shipped to this customer. Must be one of the methods listed in the AccountRight Shipping Methods list.
Customer billing rate for time billing. Only available in AccountRight Plus and Premier. Not in TransPost Express.
Customer's Australian Business Number. Not applicable in New Zealand.
The Customer's ABN Branch number, if applicable.
The Customer's Tax ID
Default tax code to use when creating sales for this customer. Note this is only used when UseCustomersTaxCode is selected. Otherwise the Tax Code will be derived from the Item Number, Account or Activity applicable to the line item.
Default tax code to use for freight amounts when creating sales for this customer that incur a freight charge..
Indicates whether the Customer's tax code over-rides the Tax Code derived from the Item Number, Account or Activity applicable to the line item. Y indicates it does. Use N to turn this off.

These fields correspond to the input on the AccountRight Credit Terms form under the Terms: button:

If not supplied the default terms for Sales as per AccountRight Sales Preferences will be used when sales are imported without specified terms.

value between 0 and 5 as follows:
  • 0 - C.O.D.
  • 1 - Prepaid
  • 2 - in a Given No. of Days
  • 3 - On a Day of the Month
  • 4 - No. of Days after EOM
  • 5 - Day of Month after EOM
This may be either the number of days (Discount Days) or the day of month (Discount Date), whichever is appropriate to the applicable PaymentIsDue
This may be either the number of days (Balance Due Days) or the day of month (Balance Due Date), whichever is appropriate to the applicable PaymentIsDue
Percentage discount for early payment. Percentage sign (%) is optional.
Percentage monthly charge for late payment. Percentage sign (%) is optional.

Payment Details
These correspond to the fields on the Payment Details tab in AccountRight
This must be a valid payment method from the Payment methods list in AccountRight.
Payment Details Notes, up to 255 characters
If payment method is by credit or debit card last 4 digits of card number
If payment method is by credit or debit card name on card
If payment by cheque, account BSB
If payment by cheque, bank account number
If payment by cheque, bank account name

Card Details
Notes - card notes up to 255 characters.
Each identifier represented by single letters of the alphabet. More than one can be applied at a time, just list the letters consecutively, e.g. BML say. Each letter may have been assigned a name in AccountRight but you cannot use those names in TransPost.
Custom List #1, a List Entry from the first Customer custom list in AccountRight. Note that although it may have been customised to another name within AccountRight TransPost always uses the name CustomList1.
Custom List #2, a List Entry from the second Customer custom list in AccountRight.
Custom List #3, a List Entry from the third Customer custom list in AccountRight.
Custom Field #1, which may have been customised to another name.
Custom Field #2, which may have been customised to another name.
Custom Field #3, which may have been customised to another name.