TransPost Help
Professional Sales Fields
The Professional Sales import type imports Professional sales.In TransPost Express it can just be used to import and delete Professional Invoices. In other versions of TransPost it can also import Orders or Quotes into AccountRight and update sales or convert Orders to Invoices.
The fields correspond to fields on the AccountRight Sales form for Professional sales.
There are groups of fields dealing with:
Apart from fields to identify the Customer the only mandatory fields are AccountNumber and an Amount field for detail lines and Description for header lines. Any other fields will default as they would in AccountRight.
The grey fields are only shown when the All fields radio button is selected. They are all optional and not commonly used. Many of them are alternatives to other fields.
- Action
- Single character code indicating what action is to be applied to the sale. If no action is specified then it is assumed that a new sale is to be imported.
- A - Add
- This is the default. It will insert a new sale. If the sale is an Invoice and an OrderNumber is specified then the order will be marked as converted to invoice.
- D - Delete
- Deletes the sale indicated by InvoiceNumber, which must be provided. This is the only action code permitted in TransPost Express.
Note that sales that have had payments applied cannot be deleted without first deleting the payments.
- R - Replace
- Updates the sale indicated by InvoiceNumber, which must be provided, replacing its detail lines. Other values may also be updated
- U - Update
- Updates the sale indicated by InvoiceNumber, which must be provided. If there is any detail line data provided it will result in detail line(s) being added to the end of the sale.
- InvoiceNumber
- While it is not mandatory, if at all possible it is recommended that the invoice number is specified using a reference number that may be used to reconcile sales in MYOB with the source of the data. If this is not possible then it may not be possible to uniquely identify the sale to reconcile it with the source data although in most cases the customer, sale date and invoice total will provide a match.
- CustomersNumber
- Customer PO No. If the customer has not provided a purchase order number this can still be a handy field as a place to put a reference or transaction Id coming from the system that generated the data. It can be up to 255 characters.
- SaleDate
- Date of sale will default to today if not supplied.
This will be interpreted based on your regional date format, i.e. in Australia, NZ something like d/m/yy or dd-mm-yyyy or similar. Time if present will be ignored. Texts Yesterday or Today or Tomorrow will be interpreted appropriately which can be handy as a default.
- SaleStatus
- Indicates what the Sale Type is. If not supplied Invoice is assumed.
This option not available in TransPost Express as it can only import Invoices.
- I - Invoice
- O - Order
- Q - Quote
- OrderNumber
- This specifies an order to be converted as a result of processing this sale. Details from the order will be treated as defaults for the resulting Invoice. N/A TransPost Express.
- Memo
- Journal memo. If no memo field(s) imported this will default to "Sale: " followed by the customer name.
- Memo2, Memo3, Memo4, Memo5
- These will be concatenated with Memo. They are provided so that Memo can be constructed from multiple input fields.
- Inclusive
- This corresponds to the Tax Inclusive check box in MYOB. X, Y or 1 indicates the Sale is Inclusive.
Customer Identification
- The following fields are used to identify the appropriate customer card for the sale. The Customer must be identified somehow so at least one of these fields is required:
- CardID
- If customer cards have CardIDs this is recommended as the reliable way of identifying the correct customer card for the sale. If supplied this will be used and other customer identification fields will be ignored.
- CoLastName
- If a CardID is not available then customers must be identified by name. If the data contains both company names and personal last names, in different columns, you must use the CompanyName and LastName fields instead.
- CompanyName
- Name of the customer if not an individual. Use this instead of CoLastName if customer organisation names and personal last names are in different input columns.
- LastName
- Last name of the customer if an individual. Use this instead of CoLastName if customer organisation names and personal last names are in different input columns.
- FirstName
- If the customer is an individual their first name is also required to identify them.
- Match against Email address associated with any of the addresses associated with the customer card. This is a particularly useful identifier as it is unique and generally defined consistently.
- Phone
- Matched with phone numbers associated with any of the addresses associated with the customer card.
- City
- May be used to discriminate between customers of the same name.
- State
- May be used to discriminate between customers of the same name.
- PostCode
- May be used to discriminate between customers of the same name.
- Country
- May be used to discriminate between customers of the same name.
If there are multiple customers with same name, e.g. John Smith, TransPost will use the following fields to select the right one. If only one customer is identified by name then these fields are ignored.
- LineType
- This is used to identify header (H) and subtotal (S) lines. The only fields applicable on these lines are those that make up the description.
- DetailDate Date on which the service was provided.
This will be interpreted based on your regional date format, i.e. in Australia, NZ something like d/m/yy or dd-mm-yyyy or similar. Time if present will be ignored. Texts Yesterday or Today or Tomorrow will be interpreted appropriately which can be handy as a default.
Description can be composed from a number of fields using the Description2 - Description9 fields
This can also be a choice of tax codes e.g. GST or FRE in which case TransPost will check TaxAmount and apply the first tax code, GST in the example, if it is non-zero and use the second, FRE in the example, if it is zero.
- AmountPaid
- The amount paid, if applicable. For foreign currency sales, if the amount paid in a Foreign currency is in the same data column as local currency payments TransPost will redirect the value into the appropriate place.
- DepositAccount
- Acount into which AmountPaid is deposited. If an AmountPaid is specified this must be specified as well.
- ReceiptNumber
- Optional. If AmountPaid is specified this provides the Id No for the received payment. MYOB will generate a number if one is not provided.
- PaymentMethod
- This is optional but if supplied should be a valid payment method in MYOB.
- ReceiptMemo
- If an AmountPaid is applied this is used as a Memo on the resulting payment received. If not provided MYOB sets it to Customername for Invoice number
- Terms
- These fields correspond to the input on the AccountRight Credit Terms form under the Terms: button:
if not supplied the default terms for the Customer will be applied. Failing that, the default for Sales generally will be used.
- PaymentIsDue
- value betwee 0 and 5 as follows:
- 0 - C.O.D.
- 1 - Prepaid
- 2 - in a Given No. of Days
- 3 - On a Day of the Month
- 4 - No. of Days after EOM
- 5 - Day of Month after EOM
- DiscountDays
- This may be either the number of days (Discount Days) or the day of month (Discount Date), whichever is appropriate to the applicable PaymentIsDue
- BalanceDueDays
- This may be either the number of days (Balance Due Days) or the day of month (Balance Due Date), whichever is appropriate to the applicable PaymentIsDue
- PercentDiscount
- Percentage discount for early payment. Percentage sign (%) is optional.
- PercentMonthyCharge
- Percentage monthly charge for late payment. Percentage sign (%) is optional.
- DueDate
- For Invoices only, the above may be calculated from a specific Due Date. TransPost will calculate the number of days from the Invoice to the Due Date and set PaymentIsDue to 2 - in a Given No. of Days and BalancedDueDays to the calculated number of days.
- ReferralSource
- The referral source must be a valid item in the MYOB referal Sources list. If not it will be ignored with a warning message.
- Sales Person
- SalesPerson is optional and may be identified by the fields below. They must identify a valid Employee.
- SalesPersonFirstName
- First name of sales person. Use if SalesPersonCardID not input.
- SalesPersonLastName
- Last name of sales person if a personal card. Use if SalesPersonCardID not input.
- SalesPersonCardID
- CardID overrides salesperson name if used
- DeliveryStatus
- This field indicates the action to be applied to the invoice. You can set a default in TransPost or let it take the MYOB default. If not supplied a warning will be generated. The options are:
- P - To be Printed
- E - To be Emailed
- B - To be Printed and Emailed
- A - Already Printed or Sent
- Comment
- Comment is optional and will default to the Sale Comment for the selected Customer.
- Category
- Category is optional. Categories not already on the AccountRight Categories List will be ignored, with a warning, as MYOB's API does not permit adding to the category list on the fly.
- ZeroPadInvoiceNumber
- Y in this field will cause TransPost to refill an Invoice Number with zeroes to make it 8 digits.
A lot of data sources drop leading zeroes but AccountRight has historically tended to right fill invoice numbers with zero when entered manually but not via the API ehich is what TransPost uses. Since an invoice number with leading zeroes does not match one with the same number but without leading zeroes, in some circumstances it is necessary to control this behaviour.
- GroupLikeMyobImport
- Unlike MYOB Import Assistant, TransPost normally deals with identifying where one sale ends and the next starts in the data
by the fact that some sale detail, such as InvoiceNumber, CustomersNumber, Sale Date or memo, or any field not part of a detail line changes.
If GroupLikeMyobImport is set to Y TransPost will take the values on the first line of the sale and ignore changes in any of these fields until it finds a complete blank line, which makes it work like the MYOB Import Assistant
The main use for this is to import data that has been exported from AccountRight using the Export Assistant.
We have not made that the default behaviour because most sources of data do not insert blank lines between data groups and any editing of input data is work and potential mistakes to be discouraged.