TransPost Help
Mapping Details form
The Mapping Details form can be used to define or modify all aspects of a mapping.Initially it is used to map data fields in a new Mapping created on the New Mapping form
Existing mappings are shown on the list in the main form Mappings tab where you can select them and open this form.
- Mapping name
- Give your mapping a meaningful name so that you can select it later.
For example you might call your mapping "Import online orders".
Hint: If you are going to use a number of mappings for different purposes the default names "New Mapping", "New Mapping 1" etc get confusing pretty quickly.
- Description
- Optional. This is a useful place to put notes to remind yourself of specific purpose or features of the mapping as it will appear on the mapping list.
- Example import file
- Select a sample file that is in the format that you need to import either by typing/pasting in its path and name or using the Browse button.
- File format
- Define the format of your input data files:
- Delimiter: Comma delimited (CSV), Tab-delimited or specified other delimiter
Note that delimiters and line endings which are within double quotes in the data will be treated as part of the data.
- First row contains field names check box indicates that there are column headings. If not the columns will be identified as "Field001", "Field002" etc
- Skip header rows Sometimes data originally intended as a report has header lines above the columns. If this is the case enter the number of lines to skip at the start of the file.
- Delimiter: Comma delimited (CSV), Tab-delimited or specified other delimiter
- Log key
- You can also select a column to be used in the log so as to make it easier to identify which lines of data a log message applies to. It does not need to be a column that you are going to import. For example you might use a reference ID that refers to the data in the source application
- Input Data file fields
If your input file has column headings theses are listed. Otherwise the fields are designated Field001, Field002 etc.
The first line of data in the sample file is also displayed. When there are no column headings this can provide some clue as to which column is which.
- MYOB fields
This is used to indicate what input data and defaults go where in MYOB
- MYOB field: Field mostly correspond to the fields on the corresponding input form in MYOB.
There are a few fields which tell TransPost what to do. For example most import types have an Action field which if set to D will cause the record identified by the data to be deleted.
- Input Field: Name of the Input Data field that provides input for this field.
Click on the input field and then on the Input Field column for the Myob Field you want to import into.
- Default: To set a default, type the default value in the default column. For example: Set the Default for Inclusive to X if your sales are inclusive, then you do not need a column for that in your data
- MYOB field: Field mostly correspond to the fields on the corresponding input form in MYOB.