TransPost Help
Getting Started with Version 3
if you still use classic AccountRight you cannot use version 4 of TransPost. To download version the latest version 3.3.7:Version | Released | Download | |
TransPost Express | December 2019 | TransPost Express Setup --- 1.13MB | |
TransPost | December 2019 | TransPost Setup --- 1.3 MB | |
TransPost Plus | December 2019 | TransPostPlus Setup --- 1.39MB | |
TransPost Premier | December 2019 | TransPost Premier Setup --- 1.39MB |
Configure TransPost Version 3
The Configure TransPost program is launched automatically the first time you install TransPost.
Otherwise, you can start it from the Start Menu.
Select All Programs, TransPost, TransPost Tools, Configuration & Activation.
Which type of AccountRight?
TransPost, TransPost Plus and TransPost Premier can all be used with both classic MYOB and AccountRight Live.
If you are not using TransPost Express, you need to select which type of MYOB you are using:
Classic MYOB
If your MYOB icon looks like one of these it is the Classic MYOB.
Select the top radio button (Classic MYOB V19.x or earlier) See Configure for Classic MYOB for detailed instructions. |
AccountRight Live
The accountRight Live icon looks like this:
Select AccountRight Live radio button See Configure for AccountRight Live for instructions. |
TransPost Express
For TransPost Express, you can watch the video Install, Configure and Activate TransPost Express on our Using TransPost Express page.Also there are instructions on the Configure for AccountRight Live for instructions.